Exploring Online Abuse


You are invited to participate in this anonymous survey to examine the experiences of students with online abuse.

Purpose: This study aims to comprehensively understand students’ experiences with online abuse in cyberspace. We seek insights from all students, both domestic and international, to uncover various forms of online abuse they may encounter and identify potential areas for support and education. Information collected will be anonymized and used solely for research and education.

Instructions: This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be entirely anonymous so long as you do not identify yourself or anyone else by name or other identifying features such as contact information or personal details that could lead to identification. By submitting the survey, you provide consent for the use of this information for research and education. This survey is for examining students’ experiences and using insights to plan a tailored educational session for cyber safety. If you wish to withdraw during the survey, you can simply close the survey window or exit the platform. No identifying information is collected. Once you have completed and submitted your survey, you will not be able to withdraw as we, the researchers, will not be able to identify your specific submission.

Link: [insert link here]

Your voices are crucial to this project, and we greatly appreciate your participation!The result of this study will be published in http://onlinesafety.trubox.ca

If you need to report an incident of harassment, please contact  studentaffairs@tru.ca (for students).

Emotional/Mental Support: If you feel distressed or uncomfortable at any time during the survey, please feel free to stop your participation. If you’d like to speak with a mental health professional, please contact:

For any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact us:

  • Dr. Tehmina Khwaja, EDI specialist – tkhwaja@tru.ca or 250-852-7663
  • Dr. Sina Keshvadi, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science – skeshvadi@tru.ca or 250-852-7233
  • TRU REB Chair – TRU-REB@tru.ca or 250.828.5000

Your voices are crucial to this project, and we greatly appreciate your participation!The result of this study will be published in http://onlinesafety.trubox.ca